Prestige Imobiliare vă propune spre vanzare cu comision 0% de la cumpărator:
Teren intravilan in Cihei,Sanmartin-Bihor
• 5657 mp suprafata totala
• 16 ml frontal stradal
• dublu front stradal
•casa veche cu anexe pe teren
Terenul este neimprejmuit si masoara o suprafata totala de 5.457 de mp cu un front stradal de 16 de ml.
Primul drum de acces este unul asfaltat iar cel de-al doilea este pietruit.
Pe teren exista o casa veche de aproximativ 40 mp utili cu incalzire pe lemne si 3 anexe .
Ca si utilitati acestea se afla pe proprietate si anume : apa ,canalizare,curent.
In derulare Programul National de investitii „Anghel Saligny ” pentru introducerea retelei de gaz in localitate.Conform primariei Sanmartin gazul va fi introdus anul acesta.
Terenul se situaza intr-o zona linistita cu case unifamiliale ,in plina dezvolatare
Pretul propus pentru vanzare este de : 30 de Euro/mp ,negociabil ce aduce totalul la 165.000 de Euro.
Suna acum pentru a stabili o vizionare!
Prestige Real Estate offers for sale with 0% commission from the buyer:
Built-up land in Cihei,Sanmartin-Bihor
• 5657 sqm total area
• 16 ml street frontal
• double street front
• the old house with annexes on the land
The land is unfenced and measures a total area of 5,457 sqm with a street front of 16 ml.
The first access road is paved and the second is paved.
On the land there is an old house of about 40 sqm with wood heating and 3 annexes.
As utilities, these are located on the property, namely: water, sewerage, electricity.
The „Anghel Saligny” National Investment Program for the introduction of the gas network in the locality is underway. According to the Sanmartin City Hall, gas will be introduced this year.
The land is located in a quiet area with single-family houses, in full development.
The proposed price for sale is: 29 Euro/sqm, negotiable, which brings the total to 165,000 Euro.
Call now to set up a viewing!