Prestige Imobiliare va propune spre vanzare cu 0% comision de la cumparator:
Teren 1000 mp intravilan in Biharia
Terenul imprejmuit este dispus pe o suprafata totala de 1000 mp (fiind compus din 2 parcele).
Cele doua parcele se afla intr-o zona rezidentiala linistita cu acces din drum public.
Utilitati: apa si curent la fiecare parcela.
Zona este intr-o continua dezvoltare.
Pretul de vanzare a terenului este de 50 Euro/mp care aduce totalul la 50.000 Euro .
Suna acum pentru a stabili o vizionare!
Prestige Real Estate offers for sale with 0% commission from the buyer:
Land 1000 sqm in Biharia
The fenced land is arranged on a total area of 1000 sqm (consisting of 2 plots).
The two plots are located in a quiet residential area with access from the public road.
Utilities: water and electricity on each plot.
The area is in continuous development.
The sale price of the land is 50 Euro/sqm which brings the total to 50,000 Euro.
Call now to set up a viewing!